By Doctor Paul Calladine (Chiropractor)

Back pain is on the increase right across the world and is one of the most common forms of disease and incapacity.
If you suffer back pain, you are not alone. Alarming statistics from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke state that 80% of adults will experience low back pain at some point in their lives.
This is the most common cause of job related disability and time off work. In a large survey, more than a quarter of adults reported experiencing low back pain during the past 3 months.
These figures are truly shocking - and indicate that back pain significantly effects the community in such a significant way.
A recent study by the World Health Organisation called 'The Global Burden of Disease Study 2010' looked at the incidence of low back pain right across the world. What they discovered was scary. The study included data from 188 countries and considered disease and injury. The common link was (for both men and women) that back pain was a leading cause of disability. The study also revealed major depressive disorders as a leading cause of disability (think about the connection between those people who suffer chronic back pain and their likelihood of suffering depression as a result).
"Aging of the world's population is leading to a substantial increase in the numbers of individuals with ...diseases and injuries," says an article published by The Lancet on June 7 2015. Low back pain was named one of the leading contributors of years lived with disability.
Researchers from the study have indicated that as our population ages and as the number of elderly people as a percentage of our age demographics increases, the number of people living with health problems including back pain will rise over the coming decades.
Chiropractic care commonly helps in cases of back pain. Are you looking for a Five Dock chiropractor? Contact us today.
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