"Wow! Who doesn’t have a sore back?
Do you suffer from back pain?
Does your back pain stop you from living life to its fullest?
Researchers have known for decades that chiropractic is effective for back pain.
I have had regular chiropractic adjustments for 37 years. I have noticed good health this entire time. I have endured 11 years at University, played lots of sports, traveled and raised a family all generally without any medication or surgery. So why not you?
To live a predictably healthy life takes an 'ounce of prevention' = proactive step.
When you do have your next episode of backpain, you may want a quick fix. Many people choose medication (which is synthetic) which only covers up the back pain. It will not correct the cause
of your back pain.
Once you understand a little more about your body and how it works and where it jams you will then know what to do in a crisis.
Therefore what does it take to live a predictably healthy life for you and your family? Back pain free?
I think being a little curious and open minded makes this a successful journey.
Chiropractic is proven as an effective treatment for back pain”
- Dr Paul Calladine (Chiropractor)

About Dr Paul Calladine (Chiro) B.Sc.(Biol.), B.Sc.(Anat.), M.Chiro. (Gonstead Diplomate) and Lyons Road Family Chiropractic.
Lyons Road Family Chiro and Dr Paul (Chiro) have been serving the health care needs of Sydney's Inner West and Drummoyne communities for over 23 years. Paul is originally from Canada and has obtained high levels of tertiary qualifications from both Canada and Australia. Paul is a wealth of information on all things natural, on fitness, long term health, nutrition and of course, chiropractic.
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