By Doctor Paul Calladine (Chiropractor)

Your posture in relation to how you sleep is very important. At Lyons Road Family Chiro we know that posture has a direct effect on how well you sleep. We often tell our patients that 'posture is the window to your spine.' A chiropractic checkup may identify problems in your posture that may be contributing to poor sleep. In this blog post we discuss some of the more common body signals you should watch out for as well as highlight how chiropractic may care for health problems associated with poor sleep.
How long do you sleep for? If the average person sleeps for 7 hours each night and stays in bed for a bit longer, that is approximately 1/3 of of our lives spent in bed!
Posture: Alarming Body Signals
You should be on alert for the following 'body signals' that may indicate you have an underlying structural problem that may affect how you sleep. Body signals include:
- back, hip, leg and neck pain
- pelvic rotation or misalignment
- 'shorter' leg or uneven gait
- shoulders that roll forward (reducing lung capacity)
- forward head posture (causing headaches, tension and pain)
- Spinal lordosis (exaggerated lower back curve)
As a chiropractor with over 24 years professional experience, I know just how important a good night's sleep is. Sleep is vital for your body to rest, repair and rejuvenate. I have seen all too often postural issues that manifest later in life as serious health crisis. The following studies demonstrate the association between postural problems and poor sleeping.
Patients with spinal problems have greater difficulty falling asleep, have more frequent awakenings, sleep subjectively less well, take more and longer naps, and snore more*.
Sleep disorders such as insomnia have been associated with ‘painful musculoskeletal conditions that may result in sleepiness, irritability and feelings of misery.**
Take Action: Sleep Better Sydney
At Lyons Road Family Chiro we help patients everyday who suffer from poor sleep and spinal problems. If you're having difficulty sleeping, please come in for a chiropractic check up. Did you know? Over 200,000 Australians see their chiropractor each week.
You can sleep better in 2016. To book a chiropractic consultation at Drummoyne's Lyons Road Family Chiro, please phone or email us today.
(02) 9819 6182

About Dr Paul Calladine (Chiro) B.Sc.(Biol.), B.Sc.(Anat.), M.Chiro. (Gonstead Diplomate) and Lyons Road Family Chiropractic.
Lyons Road Family Chiro and Dr Paul (Chiro) have been serving the health care needs of Sydney's Inner West and Drummoyne communities for over 26 years. Paul is originally from Canada and has obtained high levels of tertiary qualifications from both Canada and Australia. Paul is a wealth of information on all things natural, on fitness, long term health, nutrition and of course, chiropractic. Follow us on Facebook, Youtube, and Google+.
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- * Biering-Sorensen, F., & Biering-Sorensen, M. (2001). Sleep disturbances in the spinal cord injured: an epidemiological questionnaire investigation, including a normal population. Spinal Cord, 39, 505-513
** What’s new about sleep? (2001). Journal of the American Chiropractic Association, 38(9), 8-18.
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