Prevention is better than cure

By Dr. Paul Calladine (Chiropractor)

Your new approach to health

As we start the New Year, I wonder how much of a priority you have placed on your health?


I want to take this opportunity to remind practice members that little aches and pains today can culminate in a serious health crisis tomorrow.

Let me share with you a recent experience I had in clinic.


I just had yet another practice member come into clinic who was really broken. A guy who knows he should be here but does not bother to keep up with his regular program of adjustments.


He bent down on Christmas day and torn the cartilage in his knee. Later that holiday week he strained his opposite Achilles tendon and had an ultra-sound to confirm but no treatment.


Then in his own words “I was compensating for the lower body injuries and now my old lower back injury started again.”


At least he was using some ice for his lower back but forgot that inflammation was present in both his knee and Achilles tendon injuries as well.


That is why they are called injuries the treatment is always the same: “RICE” = Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.

A proactive step

What I am noticing is that people are getting injured (commonly their old and personal injury) and still not doing anything about it until they can’t actually get around at all.


We believe in thinking differently and challenging the “status quo”. It is by making our approach in theory attractive, simple to achieve and user friendly.


With 24 years of experience excellent health is easy to accomplish. We are wondering if you’d like some?


The age-old term is “prevention is better than cure”, this could be augmented to read in my experience, “prevention is way easier and way more fun than reinjuring yourself.” Too easy to agree with!

Commit to better health

To secure your favourite adjustment time please call us today on (02) 9819 6182. See you soon.

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